Choosing of Radiator height and Installation technique
- 时间:2016-03-30 15:16 来源:金旗舰暖气片品牌 作者:admin
Material, size, height of radiators must be concerned while people choosing them.
What’s the best size is not an only answer, it depends on your house’s dimensional. Some introduction of choosing of radiator height and installation technique as follow:
暖气片实际高度在业内被称为满高,一般在产品上都会有标注,常见的尺寸有600mm、1500mm、 1600mm、1800mm等几种,选购时也需要讲究一些技巧,着重关注暖气片安全性以及与家居装饰的搭配度。
Generally speaking, people use technique term full-height refer in particular to height of radiator. We usually see that on radiator and 600mm, 1500mm,1600mm, 1800mm are all the Commonly used specifications. When choosing radiator, you’d better concerning the safety and combinations of your home decoration.
1. First of all, you’d better choose the radiators which height shorter than 1.6 meter if wall hanging furnace is one of your heating system facilities. Because the water pressure supported by wall hanging furnace probably too low to make satisfied circulation and results to unfavorable heat effect。
2. If you live on top floor, you’d better choose shot radiator for water pressure of heating company might not fulfill the higher radiators.
3. If you live on lower floor, higher radiators are our suggestion. For too high pressure to bear, the radiator should be dark installed for artistically decorated.
4. To the middle floor user, without any problem about heating company supporting water pressure, taller radiator is our suggestion. Because of better cost performance and smaller area covered.
When concerning air physical property, we found that hot air climbs up and cold air down. Kind admiral suggests that you’d better exhaust as soon as possible to prevent gas blocking. When gas blocking happen, heating effect
The bottom of radiator to floor should be 10 to 20 cm while installing. That’s the best distance for heat dissipating and looks beautiful.
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